The beetroot salad with orange

The beetroot salad with orange


The beetroot salad with orange 🥗👌
(preparing this salad takes 20 minutes only when You have cooked beetroots)

Beetroots have strong flavour which can be perfectly balanced by delicate taste of lettuce and orange.
It is up to You whether You prepare it for a quick lunch or a fancy dinner- then You can prepare a'la carpaccio.
Serving this salad with piece with crusty bread makes it perfect.

It is better to cook the beetroots the day before. Depending on the size it takes about 1 hour to cook them.
I always cook a big pot of beetroots as my dogs 🐶🐶 also like them. They get them blended.

Enjoy! Your Kindness
Recipe and photo Your Kindness


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First of all, check if you have all the necessary ingredients for this recipe. Pay attention to the quantities!
Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!

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