Pumpkin bread 🍞🍞🍞(preparation: about 1h if pumpkin purée is ready, otherwise 2h.)
The previous week I planned to share with You the pumpkin bread recipe.
Unfortunately it didn't work and the dough didn't rise 😟 I promised to come back with the recipe today.
What was the background.....
Well, this recipe is included into a cooking book assembled for me by my American friend Grandma Mimi. She prepared and gave me this book for my birthday a bit over 20 years ago 🤗 Pumpkin bread used to be my favorite dessert and it is time to discover it once again 😍 but in Vegan option.
BTW, the source of the original recipe was Boston Globe.
In general I verified once again the measures 😛 ✍🏼🔎 🤓 as I don't have the original cooking cups anymore.
To bake this pumpkin bread I used 1/2 of the ingredients from the original recipe and it has been modified a bit.
How the success tastes like? ☺️
Today, it tastes for me like pumpkin bread.Dought rose perfectly and was very tasty.....was because already disappeared 😉😛
Bake it and enjoy 💚
Wish You all the best, Your Kindness
Photo by Your Kindness