Today I found the answer for the question asked for ages. What came first the chicken or the egg?
Well, the answer is: eggs-free eggs paste 🧐 It might sound strange but really, it is the truth 😛
People who know me, know I am a mayonnaise expert. Eggs with mayonnaise….
I ate a lot of them.
Unfortunately all related to the “cage age” 🥺 When I became Vegan I gave up both.
It is possible to make mayonnaise without an egg- once we will try recipe by Jadłonomia.
Some time ago, I discovered Vegan mayonnaise by Develey (I absolutely do not promote anything just share my experience about something tasty and already discovered). It costs the same what a standard products (I highlight this as sometimes the substitutes are very expensive but at the same time we can easily find the products in regular prices).
About the eggs- well I just don't eat them.
Anyway……I am shocked. It is crazy but eggs-free paste tastes like eggs paste 🙂
The magic is done by Kala Namak salt.
You should be able to find it easily in a big supermarket. Besides doing magic, it is healthy.
Another WOW on my list
Original recipe by Marta Dymek https://www.jadlonomia.com/
Photo by Your Kindness