Eggs-free… “eggs” paste

Eggs-free… “eggs” paste


Today I found the answer for the question asked for ages.  What came first the chicken or the egg?

Well, the answer is: eggs-free eggs paste 🧐 It might sound strange but really, it is the truth 😛

People who know me, know I am a mayonnaise expert. Eggs with mayonnaise….
I ate a lot of them.

Unfortunately all related to the “cage age” 🥺 When I became Vegan I gave up both.

It is possible to make mayonnaise without an egg- once we will try recipe by Jadłonomia.

Some time ago,  I discovered Vegan mayonnaise by Develey (I absolutely do not promote anything just share my experience about something tasty and already discovered). It costs the same what a standard products (I highlight this as sometimes the substitutes are very expensive  but  at the same time we can easily find  the  products in regular prices).
About the eggs- well I just don't eat them.

Anyway……I am  shocked. It is crazy but eggs-free paste tastes like eggs paste 🙂
The magic is done by Kala Namak salt.
You should be able to  find it  easily in a big supermarket. Besides doing magic, it is healthy. 

Another WOW on my list 

Original recipe by Marta Dymek

Photo by Your Kindness

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First of all, check if you have all the necessary ingredients for this recipe. Pay attention to the quantities!
Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!

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