Broccoli and Champignon salad

Broccoli and Champignon salad


Broccoli & Champignon salad

I used to eat a lot of this salad "in the past life". The thing is it included eggs.
I gave it up but when I discovered the Egg-free… “egg” paste by Jadłonomia I have a chance to prepare the Vegan option.
And You know what...... I cannot feel the difference. Unbelievable 🤨


1. I use "Egg-free..."egg paste", instead of eggs which were used in the original recipe,

2. to mix all together and get nice texture we use additional portion of mayonnaise. If You would like to reduce it, take like 5 spoons of the vegetables mixed with "eggs free paste" and blend it. Then add to the salad.

3. serve it as a salad or ...... You can blend the salad and prepare the stuffed tomatoes 🙂  almost the same but different indeed. 

Recipe and photo by Your Kindness


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First of all, check if you have all the necessary ingredients for this recipe. Pay attention to the quantities!
Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!

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