Baked white asparagus with potatoes
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Baked white asparagus with potatoes
It's the season for asparagus and You can often buy them in a good price.
This is a tasty and easy recipe.
I am sure You will like it 🥰
- in original recipe it is baked in the oven. I use electric baking pot,
- it is always recomended to cut off 2-3 cm of the asparagus' bottom side as it can be woody.
Well, I do it but always cook it, just don't serve it to the guests ☺️
- I used regular mustard but added a teaspoon of mustard seeds;
Original recipe by Marta Dymek https://www.jadlonomia.com/
Translation & Photo by Your Kindness
First of all, check if you have all the necessary ingredients for this recipe. Pay attention to the quantities!
Next, follow the steps to finalize your dish and finally be able to enjoy it!