Baked cauliflower in saffron (preparation 20 min.+ baking 15-30 min.)
I thought that cauliflower is a plain vegetable. Well, till today 🤓
I discovered that on Jadłonomia which found inspirator in Plenty book by Yotam Ottolengh.
Frankly, today the first time in my life I had a chance to try saffron. It has very unique taste.
I was disappointed about the way it was packed, on the other hand it is very special kind of spice and the most expensive herb, so packaging is adjusted to its value.
It is unbelievable, that is has so many medical properties and it is very beneficial for health.
For preparing this dish I used the whole portion which was 0,1 gram (it costs about 1,6$) but indeed it makes magic. It has really strong aroma, so I think using even a half of it would be fine. Anyway in "my world" it can be used for some very special occasions 😃
Bon Appetit !
Original recipe by Yotam Ottolengh, shared at https://www.jadlonomia.com/
Translation and photo by Your Kindness