Referring to UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021 estimates, about 931 million tonnes of food waste was generated in 2019

  • 61 % from households,
  • 26 % from food service,
  • 13 % from retail;

According to the report up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emission is related to unconsumed food [1]. At the same time 8,9% of the world population was undernourished [2].

These numbers include also meat origin and dairy products. It’s really heart breaking.

I always start shopping by checking if there are any good deals- usually stores have some special  areas/ shelves for these kind of products.

Sometime the products have a short expiration date but sometimes is related to remaining stock, so the price is better just to sell it out.
If expiration date is short it is still worth to buy them. I even don’t remember when the last time I bought bread in a regular price.

I notice people are ashamed to check these products. It is really fine to do it !
This a good way we reduce food waste. This way each of us can become a little hero 😊

There is one more thing. Whenever I go to the store, I meet the crowd of single bananas.
Have You noticed that?

They are mostly fine and have the same nutritional properties but people prefer to take another bunch of bananas.

Give them a chance. Take them home. Reduce food waste.

What more each person can do to reduce food waste? You can check the recommendations here.
