Vegan Lifestyle- for ethics, health and our Planet.
Low quality food affecting our health, animals exploitation, pollution, deforestation and more.
This is a "human print".
Why the plant based diet supports a better tomorrow?
Is a Vegan lifestyle easy?
I don't expect that all of us become Vegans.
The goal is to make aware choices- for ethics, health and our Planet.
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From the Blog
See my newest articles and thoughts.
Mice? Be nice!
Mice 🐭🐭🐭 ? Be nice! To be big in small things.
In daily life we
Animals on the road
Animals on the road
You for sure know all these animals
Depending on
Vegan for life
Vegan for life
I am pleased to present
Animals exploitation 2020 update
Animals exploitation 2020 update
Another year, another scary numbers- I call them the statistics of shame 😞
November 1st
Today is November 1st.
It is a very
Where does beauty live?
I strongly believe that beauty is something what we carry inside. These are multiplied